SublimeText time recorder plugin

Here's the code for my Sublime Text time recorder script.

This is actually just a Python 3 port of my Notepad++ Python time recorder script

import sublime, sublime_plugin
import time
import datetime

class mbtimerec(sublime_plugin.TextCommand):
  def run(self, edit):
    time =
    date = time.strftime( '%d/%m/%Y' )
    ''' Round to nearest 5 minutes '''
    time = time - datetime.timedelta(minutes=time.minute % 2.5,

    discard = datetime.timedelta(minutes=time.minute % 5,
    time -= discard
    if discard >= datetime.timedelta(minutes=2.5):
      time += datetime.timedelta(minutes=5)
    time = time.strftime('%I:%M%p')
    dt = date + " " + time

    for region in self.view.sel():
      selection = self.view.substr(self.view.line(self.view.sel()[0]))
      if region.empty():
        line = self.view.line(region)
        if line.empty():
          lineRegion = sublime.Region(line.begin(), line.end())
          self.view.replace(edit, line, dt + ' *In progress*')
        elif '*In progress*' in selection:
          startTime = selection[:18] #TODO: make this more robust
          startTime = datetime.datetime.strptime(startTime, '%d/%m/%Y %I:%M%p')
          endTime = date + " " + time
          endTime = datetime.datetime.strptime(endTime, '%d/%m/%Y %I:%M%p')
          timeDiff = endTime - startTime
          timeDiff = "(" + str(timeDiff)[:-3] + ")"
          selection = selection.replace("*In progress*", "- " + time + " " + timeDiff + " ");
          self.view.replace(edit, line, selection)
      else: #Region not empty
        totalHours = 0
        totalMinutes = 0
        lines = selection.split('\n')
        for line in lines:
          #Get duration i.e. (10:20)
          duration = (line[28:36]) #This is not strictly necessary..
          #Get hours
          hours = duration[duration.find("(")+1:duration.find(":")]
          minutes = duration[duration.find(":")+1:duration.find(")")]
          if hours.isdigit():
            totalHours += int(hours)
          if minutes.isdigit():
            totalMinutes += int(minutes)
        totalHours += int(totalMinutes / 60)
        totalMinutes = int(totalMinutes % 60)
        if totalMinutes < 10:
          totalMinutes = '0'+str(totalMinutes)
        self.view.insert(edit, self.view.sel()[0].end(), "Total: (" + str(totalHours) + ":" + str(totalMinutes) + ")")

How to use:

Include this script as a plugin and assign a key to run it (I like to use F5).

The 'timer'

To start the 'timer', open a blank text file (or any file really) and press F5. You should see something similar to the following:

10/05/2015 08:15PM In progress 
To stop the 'timer', ensure the same line is selected, then press F5 again. You should see something like this:
10/05/2015 08:15PM - 08:35PM (0:20) 

Calculating total time spent

Highlight the lines created by the script and press F5 again. The total should be printed at the cursor position.

For example:

Highlight the following three lines:

07/05/2015 08:15PM - 08:35PM (0:20)
09/05/2015 08:40PM - 08:45PM (0:05) 
10/05/2015 08:40AM - 08:45PM (12:05)
And press F5:
07/05/2015 08:15PM - 08:35PM (0:20)
09/05/2015 08:40PM - 08:45PM (0:05) 
10/05/2015 08:40AM - 08:45PM (12:05)
Total: (12:30)


You can record time periods longer than 23:59, resulting in something like the following:

08/05/2015 08:45PM - 08:50PM (2 days, 0:05) 

but the total calculator won't work. If you want to calculate periods > 24 hours at a time, you'll need to add this functionality yourself.

Github repo here - likely to contain the most up-to-date code

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