My score: 117,920
Number of stars: 3
Type of Level: Candy Order | Target Score: 30,000
Number of stars: 3
What you need to do is:
- Clear the cannons. That is your main objective to start with.
- Ok, so it’s not that simple. You really need to make wrapped + striped candy combos to help clear the cannons, destroy the blocks and get rid of the licorice at the same time.
- Also, wrapped + wrapped candy combos are fantastic, if you can make one close enough to the cannons - it’ll work wonders!
- Try to make horizontally striped candies and set them off beside the cannons, rather than above them - this way you can damage both of them at the same time!
- Try not to clear both cannons at the same time, because if you do they’ll only fire once, not twice.
- Once you’ve cleared the cannons you should be done, or most of the way there. Just concentrate on getting the required colours of candy.
If you have any further tips, or have any questions about this level, please leave a comment below!