My score: 91,680
Number of stars: 1
Type of Level: Candy Order | Target Score: 20,000
Number of stars: 1
What you need to do is:
- Make 19 wrapped candies (yes, seriously.) Actually it’s more like 10, as you have 9 given to you already (but still!)
- Try not to disturb the blocks at the bottom preventing the chocolate from being released, or the caged candies on the right (once any candy gets on the other side of the caged candy, chocolate starts emerging on that side)
- Or do, it’s up to you - you may choose to make as much space on the board as possible, as this greatly increases your chances of creating more wrapped candies. I find it’s not that hard to keep the chocolate under control, so I just blasted the blocks as quickly as I could.
- Ok, there are a couple of tricks to this level involving the left hand side. Ideally, what you want to do is release/detonate all the wrapped candies on the LHS EXCEPT the very top one, which will stay there (as it’s encased in delicious toffee). The reason you don’t want to release it is that if you do, bombs will fall down after it. Totally not worth it!
- So leave that one till last (if you have 2 or 3 wrapped candies stuck at the top, that’s fine also), and concentrate on making the remaining wrapped candies
- Until you only have one or two more to make, then release it (with a horizontally striped candy, most likely)
- Blow it up, and you should be all done!
If you have any further tips, or have any questions about this level, please leave a comment below!